Act of Random Kindness

Acts of Random Kindness

Dr. John Li 多年來支持許多慈善組織, 如「加拿大微笑行動」, 並對特殊需要兒童提供義診服務。 Invisalign 已同意為患有先天性顱顏畸形和遺傳疾病的人提供免費的隱形矯治器治療。

通過“Pay it forward,  不求回報, 讓愛傳開去”模式,Align Technology 為 Dr. John C. Li 提供支持,免除 Invisalign 隱適美治療的完整綜合療程的費用,以便他們能夠免費為口腔困難患者提供治療健康或面部挑戰。

Dr. John Li:“我們很高興能主動為有兔唇裂顎與顱顏缺陷問題的患者機會治療,創造新的美麗笑容。” 我們已經成功幫助有需要的患者申請了免費的 Invisalign® 治療


Align Technology 歐洲、中東和非洲地區總經理 Angelo Maura 表示:“牙齒健康作為我們整體健康和福祉的重要組成部分,經常被忽視。在該地區各國政府努力實現其雄心勃勃的未來願景的同時,我們相信我們也有責任在衛生部門內支持這些目標,與牙科專業人士合作,更好地為患者服務,並在我們所服務的社區內產生有意義的影響。 ”

“我們的社會責任計劃 ARK 的目標是為最需要的人提供更廣泛的口腔健康服務。因此,我們非常自豪能夠讓我們的 Invisalign 醫生有機會免費幫助他們的患者獲得更健康的笑容。憑藉我們 Invisalign 隱適美醫生的專業知識……,我們致力於支持一個將每個人的口腔健康都放在首位的未來,不僅僅是在世界仁慈日,而是每一天。”安傑洛繼續說道。

ARK 計劃不適用於已經開始使用 Invisalign 系統進行治療的患者。

Dr. John Li與Align Technology一起致力於企業社會責任。公司的努力主要集中在慈善事業上,例如與微笑行動和其他慈善基金會的長期合作,也包括可持續發展舉措。

隨機善舉 (ARK) 計劃旨在通過為患有身體和認知障礙的患者提供免費的 Invisalign® 治療來識別他們。

許多患有顱面問題、遺傳綜合徵或其他健康問題的兒童和青少年在獲得更直率的笑容方面的選擇有限。好消息是 Invisalign 隱形矯正器可能會有所幫助。


顱面畸形 (CFA) 是一組高度多樣化的複雜先天性畸形。它們共同影響著世界上很大一部分地區。例如,唇裂和/或腭裂大約每 500-700 例新生兒中就有 1 例發生,該比例在不同地理區域或種族群體之間差異很大。





  • 我們可能有辦法讓您的朋友笑得更燦爛。

  • 根據他們的情況,透明矯治器治療是一個很好的選擇


申請截止日期為 2024-12-31。


Victoira Day Free Dental Consultation

Victoria Day

Free Dental Consultation for Kids

We have a free dental consutation (valued $280) for kids on Victoria Day, May 20, 2024.
Our platinum invisalign provider, Dr. Li will use a 3D scanner to show children’s oral situation, including teeth alignment, and oral hygiene etc.
Book your consultation by scanning the QR code NOW!

我們將於2024年5月20日維多利亞日(Victoria Day)舉行免費兒童牙科諮詢日(價值$280)。

Spring Break 矯齒好時機!

Spring Break 矯齒好時機

家長應該把握7至12歲矯齒黃金期, 及早治療,
可用Invisalign擴闊牙弓, 舖排位置換牙, 避免了牙齒唔齊、擠擁、容易蛀牙等問題…

Spring break 是開始矯齒的好時機, 有更多時間讓小朋友適應! 
立即把握最佳矯齒機會, 我們在Spring Break期間預留了時間幫小朋友做牙齒矯正諮詢!
Scan 以上QR code 填妥表格/按Book your free consultation NOW !

Canadian Dental Care Plan 加拿大政府牙科保險計劃


政府牙科保險計劃最快或下周開始接受申請, 首批申請的是87歲以上的長者. 申請資格的範圍將在2024年逐步擴展,預計到了5月,將涵蓋所有65歲以上長者,到6月將包括18歲以下兒童,以及殘疾人士。
政府牙科保險計劃是沒有年度金額限制, 但需要留意並不是所有牙科診所會參與此計劃.

如果你身邊有長者, 請你幫助他們申請政府牙科保險計劃, 讓他們重拾牙齒健康.87歲以上的長者會在下星期起收到政府的信, 可以開始申請政府牙科保險計劃. 成功申請者會收到永明CDCP卡, 並在下年年中起享獲牙科服務.

Today we participated in a consultation session for the government dental insurance plan. The government dental insurance plan will begin accepting applications as early as next week, prioritizing individuals aged 87 and above. The eligibility criteria will gradually expand throughout 2024, with expectations to cover all individuals aged 65 and above by May, individuals aged 18 and below, as well as individuals with disabilities, by June.
The eligibility criteria require a household annual income of less than $90,000 and no private dental insurance plan for Canadian residents (with tax file in the previous year).

-Household annual income below $70,000 requires no co-payment.
-Household annual income between $70,000 and $79,999 requires a 40% co-payment.
-Household annual income between $80,000 and $89,999 requires a 60% co-payment.
The government dental insurance plan has no annual limit on coverage, but it’s important to note that not all dental clinics will participate in this plan.

If you have seniors around you, please pay attention to this program and help them apply for the government dental insurance plan, enabling them to access dental services. Individuals aged 87 and above will start receiving government letters next week to begin applying for the government dental insurance plan. Successful applicants will receive the Sunlife CDCP membership card and will be eligible for dental services starting in next year.


For detailed information, please visit the government website at:

🎉Black Friday 黑色星期五🔥

‼🖤 Today is Black Friday. We don’t have Black Friday Sale, but in December we offer extended hours for those who’ve been working tirelessly, juggling work and family with care and love throughout the year🌙✨

If you  need a  🦷dental appointment during extended hour time in December ✨, reach out to us to reserve your spot. 🕖




🦷🍂 Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! 各位,感恩節快樂!🍁🌟

🦷🍂 Happy Thanksgiving 感恩節快樂🍁🌟

🦷🍂 Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!🍁🌟
Today, as we celebrate gratitude and togetherness, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our amazing and excellent patients who’ve made oral hygiene a priority.
Your dedication to oral hygiene goes beyond routine care—it’s a commitment to overall wellness that inspires us every day.
From all of us, here’s to your bright smiles and unwavering commitment to oral hygiene. May your Thanksgiving be filled with joy, laughter, and moments that make your smile shine even brighter!✨🥳

🦷🍂 各位,感恩節快樂!🍁🌟
在今天我們慶祝感恩的日子裡,我們想向所有優秀的病人致以衷心的謝意,感謝你們對牙齒悉心的護理, 把口腔衛生放在首位。
#ThankfulForHealthySmiles #HappyThanksgiving #GratitudeForEachPatient#Thanksgiving #OralHealthCare #Gratitude #SmileBrighter

免費Invisalign 隱適美治療,送給最需要的人!

Dr. John C. Li DDS ( 與 Invisalign 的新慈善計劃合作!

11 月 13 日世界仁慈日 : 隨機善舉 (ARK) 義診活動

免費Invisalign 隱適美治療 送給最需要的人!

Dr. John Li 多年來支持許多慈善組織, 如「加拿大微笑行動」, 並對特殊需要兒童提供義診服務。 Invisalign 已同意為患有先天性顱顏畸形和遺傳疾病的人提供免費的隱形矯治器治療。

通過“Pay it forward,  不求回報, 讓愛傳開去”模式,Align Technology 為 Dr. John C. Li 提供支持,免除 Invisalign 隱適美治療的完整綜合療程的費用,以便他們能夠免費為口腔困難患者提供治療健康或面部挑戰。

Dr. John Li:“我們很高興能主動為有兔唇裂顎與顱顏缺陷問題的患者機會治療,創造新的美麗笑容。”


Align Technology 歐洲、中東和非洲地區總經理 Angelo Maura 表示:“牙齒健康作為我們整體健康和福祉的重要組成部分,經常被忽視。在該地區各國政府努力實現其雄心勃勃的未來願景的同時,我們相信我們也有責任在衛生部門內支持這些目標,與牙科專業人士合作,更好地為患者服務,並在我們所服務的社區內產生有意義的影響。 ”

“我們的社會責任計劃 ARK 的目標是為最需要的人提供更廣泛的口腔健康服務。因此,我們非常自豪能夠讓我們的 Invisalign 醫生有機會免費幫助他們的患者獲得更健康的笑容。憑藉我們 Invisalign 隱適美醫生的專業知識……,我們致力於支持一個將每個人的口腔健康都放在首位的未來,不僅僅是在世界仁慈日,而是每一天。”安傑洛繼續說道。

ARK 計劃不適用於已經開始使用 Invisalign 系統進行治療的患者。 ARK 計劃申請必須在每個日曆月的第一天提交,並且將在三十 (30) 天內做出是否接受此類申請的決定。

Dr. John Li與Align Technology一起致力於企業社會責任。公司的努力主要集中在慈善事業上,例如與微笑行動和其他慈善基金會的長期合作,也包括可持續發展舉措。

隨機善舉 (ARK) 計劃旨在通過為患有身體和認知障礙的患者提供免費的 Invisalign® 治療來識別他們。


        許多患有顱面問題、遺傳綜合徵或其他健康問題的兒童和青少年在獲得更直率的笑容方面的選擇有限。好消息是 Invisalign 隱形矯正器可能會有所幫助。



     顱面畸形 (CFA) 是一組高度多樣化的複雜先天性畸形。它們共同影響著世界上很大一部分地區。例如,唇裂和/或腭裂大約每 500-700 例新生兒中就有 1 例發生,該比例在不同地理區域或種族群體之間差異很大。





  • 我們可能有辦法讓您的朋友笑得更燦爛。
  • 根據他們的情況,透明矯治器治療是一個很好的選擇


o 矯治器易於拆卸且佩戴舒適
o 沒有食物限制
o 無摩擦支架或戳線
o 照常刷牙和使用牙線
o 有特定的 Invisalign 隱形矯治器產品旨在滿足日益增長的微笑需求

申請截止日期為 2023-12-01。


 #richmond #richmondbc #vancouver #vancouverbc #invisalign #invisalignsmile #invisaligndoctor #smile #OperationSmile #operationsmilecanada #隱適美 #隱適美矯正 #隱適美隱形牙套 #世界仁慈日 #隨機善舉 #義診活動 #微笑行動 #加拿大 #加拿大生活 #列治文 #卑詩省 #温哥華

此為谷歌智能翻譯,如英文和中文版本有任何不一致之處, 當以英文版為准。

Acts of Random Kindness: ‘s charitable campaign aims to grant Free Invisalign treatments to patients with oral challenges

Free Invisalign Treatment for those who needed it most!


Dr. John C. Li DDS ( in collaboration with Invisalign’s new charitable program!
Acts of Random Kindness (ARK) following World Kindness Day, on 13th November

Dr. John Li has over the years supported many charitable organizations, including Operation Smile Canada. We feel elated to announce that Dr. John Li is extending his service for special needs children. Invisalign has agreed to provide FREE clear aligner treatment for people with craniofacial anomalies and genetic disorders.

Through a ‘pay it forward’ model, Align Technology is offering support to Dr. John C. Li by waiving the lab fees for a full comprehensive course of Invisalign treatment in order to enable them to deliver treatment free of charge to patients with difficult oral health or maxiofacial challenges.

Dr. John Li:  “We are delighted to take the initiative to have the opportunity to treat patients with oral challenges and create new, beautiful smiles.” 

Eligible patients are those with health issues such as genetic syndromes, craniofacial or clefts, or other health-related contraindications to fixed appliance treatments.

Angelo Maura, General Manager, EMEA of Align Technology, said: “Dental health is often overlooked as an essential part of our overall health and well-being. While governments across the region work towards achieving their ambitious visions of the future, we believe we too have a duty to support these goals within the health sector, to work with dental professionals to serve patients better and create meaningful impact within the communities we serve.”

“The objective of our social responsibility programme, ARK, is to provide more widespread access to better oral health to those who need it most. With that, we are very proud to be in a position to give our Invisalign doctors the opportunity to help their patients attain a healthier smile, free of charge. Together, with the expertise of our Invisalign doctors…, we are committed to supporting a future where each and every person’s oral health is prioritized, not just on World Kindness Day, but every day.” Angelo continued.

The ARK programme does not apply to patients who have already started treatment with the Invisalign system. The ARK programme applications must be submitted by the first of each calendar month and a decision will be given within thirty (30) days as to whether such application will be accepted. 

Dr. John Li, together with Align Technology, is committed to corporate social responsibility. The company’s efforts are primarily focused on philanthropy, such as long-term cooperation with Operation Smile and other charitable foundations, and also include sustainability initiatives.

Acts of Random Kindness (ARK) Program aims to recognize patients with physical and cognitive disabilities by offering them a free-of-charge Invisalign® treatment.

Who can benefit from?

         Many children and teens with craniofacial issues, genetic syndromes, or other health conditions have had limited options to achieve a straighter smile. The good news is that Invisalign clear aligners may be able to help.

*Eligible patients are patients with health issues such as genetic syndromes, craniofacial or clefts, health related contraindications to fixed appliance treatment or other contraindications to fixed appliance treatments.

What are Craniofacial Anomalies?

     Craniofacial anomalies (CFA) are a highly diverse group of complex congenital anomalies. Collectively, they affect a significant proportion of the world. Cleft lip and/or palate, for example, occurs in approximately 1 per 500-700 births, the ratio varying considerably across geographic areas or ethnic groupings.

          Although this is not an exhaustive list, the following are the most common conditions that can affect teeth and the jaws:

  • Cleft lip and palate syndrome
  • Treacher Collins syndrome
  • Miller syndrome
  • Hemifacial Microsomia 
  • Craniosynostosis
  • Crouzon syndrome
  • Apert syndrome
  • Pfeiffer syndrome
  • Ectodermal Dysplasia
  • Pierre Robin syndrome
  • Stickler syndrome
  • Cleidocranial Dysplasia

These abnormalities are present at birth (congenital) and there are numerous variations. Some are mild and some are severe and need surgery. Some craniofacial anomalies are associated with anomalies elsewhere in the body, which can be serious.

If you know someone who might be benefited from this charitable act, please forward this message out to them.

  • There may be a way that we can give your friend a straighter smile.
  • With their condition, clear aligner treatment is a strong option to consider:
    o The aligners are easily removable and comfortable
    o No food restrictions
    o  No rubbing brackets or poking wires
    o  Brush and floss as usual
    o There are specific Invisalign clear aligner products designed to meet the needs of growing smiles

The deadline for application is 2023-12-01.
Please contact us immediately for the necessary screening appointment and application. Can




錯過咗就令小朋友的治療更複雜更昂貴更辛苦, 可能需要剝牙, 甚至做顎骨手術架啦

如果家長都想小朋友過得簡單輕鬆, 就千萬不要錯過7至12歲的黃金矯齒階段!!!小朋友箍牙其實好處多多,除咗預先解決難搞嘅問題,令療程更快得到理想效果外,增強自信,仲可以從配戴訓練小朋友嘅紀律,等佢哋更著重牙齒清潔。


The golden period for orthodontic treatment occurs between the ages of 7 and 12. This crucial stage offers the best opportunity to address dental issues effectively and efficiently. During this time, the jaw bones are still developing, making it easier to guide their alignment. By taking advantage of this window, orthodontic interventions can correct problems such as overcrowding, improper bites, and misaligned teeth. Early treatment not only prevents future complications but also boosts a child’s self-confidence.

By seeking orthodontic care within the golden period, parents can set their children on a path towards a healthier, more beautiful smile.
Don’t miss the golden period for your kids to take orthodontic treatment, we are still having some available time slots for consultation.
Please contact us to book an appointment

Are you ready for beauty pageant ?

Are you ready for The Beauty Pageant

Beauty Pageant is coming, when it comes to leaving a lasting impression, a captivating smile can make all the difference. That’s why it’s time to consider teeth whitening or Invisalign treatment to ensure your smile is ready to dazzle on the beauty pageant stage.

Teeth whitening offers a quick and effective way to enhance the brightness of your smile. Invisalign treatment offers a discreet and convenient way to perfect your smile by straightening misaligned teeth.

Investing in teeth whitening or Invisalign treatment not only boosts your confidence but also leaves a lasting impression on judges and the audience. A bright and straight smile compliments your overall appearance, making your hair, makeup, and wardrobe choices truly shine.

As the big day approaches, remember that a captivating smile is an essential component of your beauty pageant preparation.
Dr. Li has been the Smile Consultant for Miss Chinese Vancouver since 2002. Consult with us to determine which treatment option suits you best and get ready to showcase your confidence, radiance, and an enchanting smile that will captivate the stage.