Invisalign Palatal Expander Promotion

你地小朋友有冇牙齒擁擠嘅問題?🤔 🌟好消息! 依家已經有隱適美上顎擴闊器,令小朋友嘅治療更輕鬆,更舒適🤩


1. 6-10歲既小朋友👧👦

2. 有牙齒擁擠, 錯咬嘅問題🦷

3. 其他牙醫建議做傳統上顎擴張器

優惠期至3月31日 ❗️

早鳥名額有限 ! 額滿即止❗️❗️❗️


Spring Break Promotion !

Spring Break Promotion !
Dr. Li (列治文唯一隱適美白金級認證華人牙醫)親自為你度身訂造整個隱適美治療

Spring Break優惠:
* 免費初始諮詢(親身和/或線上)($400)
* 免費 Itero 5D Plus 和 Primescan,ClinCheck 檢閱
* 彈性分期付款低至$298,長達18 個月 (免利息)
* 全額付款特別優惠
* 治療期間的口腔衛生和 Invisalign清潔用品 (~$100)
* 記錄費用($832)、固定器費用 ($700)全包
* 直接在您可用的保險以支付部分費用
* 遺失牙套的保障 (有限度)
* Virtual Care進行佩戴進度管理
* 提供緊急查詢 (whatsapp message)

優惠至2024 年 3 月 31 日

我們只剩下20個位置, 立即預約免費初始諮詢 !

Dr. Li (Platinum Invisalign Provider) will customize your invisalign treatment plan
Spring Break Promotions:
* Free Initial Consultation (In Person and/or Virtual)
* Free Itero 5D Plus and Primescan, ClinCheck review
* Flexible Monthly payment plan of $298 up to 18 months (No interest)
* Extra discount for full payment
* Free Hygiene and Invisalign Supplies
* Free Records fee ($832), Retainers fee ($700)
* Direct Billing to your available Insurance to cover some of the fees.
* Warranty of lost appliance (restriction may apply)
* Provide virtual care to follow up your treatment
* Emergency inquiry service (whatsapp message)

Offer end at March 31st, 2024
*Promotion may end without notice
*Restrictions may apply, please contact us for full details

Contact us today to book your consultation and take advantage of this amazing offer.
We have 20 spots for free consultation, book your free consultation !

Your Beautiful Smile is Waiting