Invisalign Case Transfer 隱適美轉移

We get this question all the time: Can we transfer to your clinic?
The short answer is: “Yes, we can help.”

Example 1. Patient started her Invisalign Case in China / Hong Kong / USA and now relocated to Vancouver (permanently or due to COVID), we are able to transfer her case over and continue treatment without any issues.

Example 2. Patient had all his Invisalign Aligners and finished his case, and would like to remove the Attachments and take the final record and get a set of Retainers.

If you just move to Vancouver and would like to have your Invisalign case transfer, we can help. Please contact us and we will go over the details with you.





案例 1. 貴客在中國/香港/美國開始她的隱適美療程,現搬遷到溫哥華(永久或由於之前Lockdown),我們能夠將她的個案轉移並繼續治療。

案例 2. 貴客擁有他所有的隱形牙箍,完成了他的療程,並希望移除'隱適美豆豆', 進行最終記錄及獲得一組固定器。
